Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lisa's Speech LHNC Elections

This is a copy of the speech I made last night at The Open Forum Candidates running for LHNC...sort of. I went a little rogue.

Who am I?

I am running for the open resident seat on the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council in Sub Area 7.

I own and reside at The Alta Lofts on San Fernando Road.
I moved with my sweet 86 year mother into the neighborhood over a year ago. And we love it.
She takes the bus to Chinatown and her Senior Center.
She has made friends here. I commute easily to work.
We love being here.

Honestly, I don’t have the time for serving on the board but so what. Who does?

I have been a small business owner so I know the challenges of running a small business.

We all care about the small businesses of Lincoln Heights. Like the LA Baking Company or Mr. Steve’s Donuts -
With the pending Cornfield Arroyo Seco Plans for gentrification; I mean building.
We want to make sure they don’t get pushed out by a Starbuck’s on every corner. Good coffee but so is Mr. Steve's. Plus his donuts are fresh and cost 50 cents.

I built and operated an environmentally constructed Natural food store; 20 years ago in San Francisco. We set industry standards that shaped a generation of the Green Movement.

We all care about the environment.
You can count on me to be an active participant in the LA River Revitalization.
Perhaps try to start a community garden.
Or start roof top gardens that have done so well in Brazil.
Or try to get a dog Run area along the path?

Anyone else tired of barking dogs? A dog run area might help them sleep at night. So we can too.

I am an 8th grade teacher.
So I care - We all care about clean safe streets for children. Lincoln Heights needs better sidewalks.
Anyone hear about the accident near Solano School?
Injuring two children one in critical condition? Let's work together to fix that.
With the influx of more people into this neighborhood we need to have better signage, speed bumps.

As a caregiver to my 86 year old mother and my infant niece;
both live in the area. We are all concerned with safety.
I’d like to plan a monthly night walk where we can take back the streets by showing we are not afraid of gang violence.
I see Clover Gang is back – tagging.

I’ve also served on the Neighborhood Council in SF for 3 years.
So I’m not afraid take a stand on your behalf. I am here for you and will listen to your concerns.

Who am I?
I am a daughter, a sister, an aunt, an actress, a standup comic, a cancer survivor, an activist, a teacher.
My name is Lisa Joffrey (Norma Rae) and I hope to serve you the community of Lincoln Heights. Thank you.

Please vote for me on SAT Oct 13th 10 am – 4 pm  at The Lincoln Heights Senior Center 2323 Workman off Broadway.

If you have read this far, anyone that has any interest in the neighborhood can vote at these elections. If you shop at St. Vincent's or frequent Mr. Steve's.

-- Lisa J

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cancer cells are like the Kardashians.

Cancer cells are like the Kardashians. They are everywhere all at once, and their only real talent is to screw as many people for profit as possible.

Exam Day. I was laid out waiting in preparation on the gyno exam table. Every woman has been there. I was naked with a thin scratchy sheet covering me, my legs akimbo in the stirrups. I felt so vulnerable, worried and especially tired. The mass in my left ovary was killing me...literally. I looked like a pregnant Octo-Mom. Remember her?
Finally the exam door opened. A 12 year boy with a stethoscope walked in. OK he wasn't 12 but he looked it. I kept looking around the corner for his father, Dr. Cohen Sr. I'm I'm not.
Young Dr. Cohen was to do my exam. As he put on his gloves, he kept ordering me to move down to the edge of the exam table. "Miss Joffrey MOVE further down...a little further...a little more." Why couldn't he move up? Plus don't I get dinner and a movie first? Again I'm not.

Here's the truth; I was F**king terrified. I wanted, no I needed a woman doctor!
And it never occured to me to simply ask. I couldn't insult A DOCTOR in order to take care of myself. How dare I?! Who was I?!

ASK... that's my advice.
Ask for what you want. Ask about what you don't understand.  Ask for the all those not with us any longer and those that will get cancer. Ask because you can. It is your right.
This is a lesson I finally learned from having stage 4 Ovarian Cancer and I am grateful.

Thank you for reading. Please follow along for other insights. I'd love to hear what you are dealing with emotionally around the cancer that is temporarily in your body. So please comment. This is not a medical forum. I can only hope to bring light and laughter to your situation. I found this to be very healing. I laughed as often as possible and I became better. I also found myself on stage doing stand up and speaking to women groups. I am now 3 years out (cells within normal range at last testing) from my dealings with Ovarian Cancer.
My love to you,

--Lisa J

Twitter @lisajoffrey